Bishop Cabinets

Looking for Cabinetry?
Look no further than Bishop Cabinets.

About Bishop Cabinets

Bishop Cabinets

Value Comes First

Pick up a kitchen magazine and look at some ads from the larger manufacturers. You'll probably find that most of them spend very little time promoting the quality of their materials. After all, flake-core raised panels, flake ends, and flake hanging rails leave alot to be desired.

Instead, they promote their "free extras." Like advertising co-ops. Free literature. And impressive cartons with multicolored logos. In other words, they're selling you slick marketing extras. Extras that cost you money. And quality.

At Jim Bishop Cabinets, we've built our product and our reputation on offering solid quality at competitive prices. We realize that as a dealer, you are selling product, not literature and fancy cartons. And you probably have your own ideas about advertising.

So let's keep it simple. We'll build a quality product that sells itself. The rest of the decisions are up to you.

Flexibility Is A Must

It's a tough market out there. You're constantly fighting price wars with other factory lines. Yet your customers want options that only a custom shop can normally provide. You need a company that's both flexible and competitive.

As a semi - custom builder line, we meet both needs. We offer limited customization, yet our prices are competitive with most stock cabinet lines.

With this combination, you'll not only walk away from fewer jobs, you'll also walk into markets that you thought were impossible for a builder line cabinet.

A Growing Family

Since the beginning, Jim Bishop Cabinets has been family owned and operated. Our conservative approach to business has brought us steady, controlled growth and has left us relatively debt free.

We love what we do. We don't have to satisfy board members or stockholders. This gives us more time to satisfy the most important person of all. You.

Maybe that's why we're so concerned with providing quality. It's awfully hard to put our family's name on anything less.


Disclaimer: This article is for informational purposes only and does not serve as an endorsement or a review of the brand. Always conduct your research and consult professionals before making any purchasing decisions.

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