Duro Shine Sealers

Looking for Sealers/Finishes?
Look no further than Duro Shine Sealers.

About Duro Shine Sealers

Duro Shine Sealers

Duro Shine manufactures high quality water-based sealers and cleaners... highest standards of performance...realistic prices..." Our reputation has been built on SUPERIOR Water-Based Polyurethane Sealers, both semi-gloss, and high gloss. These clear-coat sealers have very high softening points. On hot days when acrylic water-based sealers are turning soft; water-based polyurethane sealers maintain their integrity! Non-yellowing, non-cracking. The best indoor/ outdoor sealers available!!

Disclaimer: This article is for informational purposes only and does not serve as an endorsement or a review of the brand. Always conduct your research and consult professionals before making any purchasing decisions.

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