CBK Furnishings

Looking for Furnishings?
Look no further than CBK Furnishings.

About CBK Furnishings

CBK Furnishings

Being a one minimum, one source vendor for the independent retail channel is the foundation of CBK’s rich history. In 1987, CBK moved into its current facility which consists of almost 10 acres under roof. CBK’s sales force is positioned throughout the 48 continental United States, and is responsible for servicing our extensive customer base to which they offer approximately 5000 items in our gifts and decorative accessories lines.

 CBK has a dedicated product development team responsible for identifying new trends in style and function, and then designing and developing items that fill today’s décor needs most of which are imported from Hong Kong, China, Taiwan, India, and the Philippines. CBK has fully automated showrooms in Atlanta, Chicago, Dallas, and Las Vegas. The Atlanta, Chicago, and Dallas showrooms are open to the public year round, while the Las Vegas showroom is open only during markets.

Disclaimer: This article is for informational purposes only and does not serve as an endorsement or a review of the brand. Always conduct your research and consult professionals before making any purchasing decisions.

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