Trims And Moldings

Trends in Wood
... from 3-1/4” up to 7-1/4”, and species include acacia, teak, oak, birch, and hickory in looks that are sure to fit any design aesthetic. trends in wood features a complete line of products, including trims and moldings. this versatile flooring can be nailed, stapled, and in some cases, floated...
Natural Stone Trims & Moldings
... stone trims & moldings are decorative architectural elements crafted from materials like granite, marble, or limestone, designed to add elegance and refinement to interior and exterior spaces. these trims and moldings serve as finishing touches around doorways, windows, and floors, providing a seamless transition and enhancing the overall aesthetic of a room. their natural stone composition offer...
...the timeless elegance of wood trims and moldings in modern interior design in the dynamic world of interior design, wood trims and moldings have retained their charm and significance, seamlessly blending tradition with modern aesthetics. their timeless appeal lies not only in their classic beauty but also in their versatility, durability, and sustainability, making them indispensable elements in ...

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