Machine-made Rug
Machine-made Rug
A rug that is produced using an automtated loom for yarn placement and weaving. Fringe on these rugs may either be sewn into the rug or sewn on by hand later. Often made of polyproplyene, acrylic or wool, these rugs generally are less expensive than handmade rugs.Related Articles Using the Term: machine-made rug |
Chinese Rugs ...ctionist. Although fine rugs are made on machines, many people prefer handmade rugs because they embody culture and tradition. You can tell a machine-made rug because its fringe is attached after the rug is manufactured rather than being an integral part of the rug. You also can pull individ... |
Machine Made Rugs ...Machine made rugs have a rich history. The machine-made rug industry in the United States began in 1791 when William Sprague started the first woven rug mill in Philadelphia. Others opened during the early 1800s in New England. Included in that area was Beattie Manufacturing Company in Little Fal... |