
Carolina Flooring In Home Installations does not carry every style of fibers/backing. Check with them first about a particular product or to see if your product choice is available for special order.
Anso® Nylon Carpet
The Anso nylon family of brands became part of Shaw Industries when the Honeywell Carpet Fibers division was acquired by Shaw in late 2005.More

INFINITY™ Nylon Fiber
Honeywell has established a true milestone for the nylon industry and the environment. Now the nylon in post-consumer nylon 6 products, such as carpet made with Anso® nylon, can be captured, renewed, and manufactured into brand new, first-quality nylon products.More

Mohawk SmartStrand Carpet
There’s good reason why Mohawk has been a trusted name in carpets for over a century; good reason why, today, we are the leading flooring producer and distributor worldwide. In a word, innovator.More

Shaw EverTouch Fiber
This new generation of ultra-soft carpeting is gaining popularity across the country. More