{Area Rugs

Looking for a {Area Rugs store in the Wilmington area?
Look no further than Bassett Furniture.

About {Area Rugs

{Area Rugs

Area rugs are available in many sizes and almost any color you can dream of. We have many samples in stock and can order additional styles and sizes. With the trend toward hardwood and vinyl flooring area rugs are more popular than ever.
Speak with a knowledgeable representative at Bassett Furniture and learn more about the quality and integrity of the {Area Rugs brand. Stop in and see them today at their Wilmington store or give them a call at 302-477-3970.

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Bassett Furniture does not carry every style of {Area Rugs at their Wilmington location. Check with them first about a particular product or to see if your product choice is available for special order.

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