4.50 Rating - 29 Reviews
3.70 Rating - 9 Reviews
5.00 Rating - 4 Reviews
5.00 Rating - 1 Reviews
Aggregate Score

Better Business Bureau
BBB ratings represent the BBB's opinion of how the business is likely to interact with its customers. The BBB rating is based on information BBB is able to obtain about the business, including complaints received from the public.
Whether you are starting a complete kitchen remodel or just looking for the perfect bedside table, the Houzz community of homeowners and professionals is here to help. And when you are ready to start your project, Houzz is the best way to get inspired, discover products and to find and collaborate with the perfect architect, designer or contractor.

Brians Carpet & Tile is a proud member of
the World Floor Covering Association
Why Shop at a WFCA Affiliated Flooring Retailer?
The World Floor Covering Association (WFCA) is an unbiased source of information on all types of flooring, including carpet, hardwood flooring, laminate flooring, ceramic tile, rugs, stone, cork, bamboo, and vinyl flooring. The WFCA and its 3,000-members are dedicated to providing consumers the service and support needed to ensure a successful flooring purchase experience.
Because Brians Carpet & Tile and all WFCA affiliated flooring retailers are obliged to follow this code of conduct:
- To be truthful with my customers in all matters related to the sale, service and installation of floor covering
- To refrain from misleading advertising of any nature, and offer only merchandise and services that are readily available
- To treat all floor covering retailers with respect
- To be attentive to the customer's desires and needs
- To uphold the highest standards of excellence and fairness in my business
- To observe and abide by the laws and regulations governing good business practices
- To conduct my business in a sensitive and considerate way
- To at all times subscribe to the highest standards of professionalism in my business
- To treat violations of this code as inconsistent with membership in the WFCA
Visit the World Floor Covering Association