
Frequently Asked Questions

  • Is berber carpet subject to yellowing?
  • Is one fiber better than another for carpeting?
  • Some carpets seems to pack down quickly. Could you recommend one that will be more resistant to this?
  • Are flooring warranties valide if I get my carpet from out-of-state?
  • Does berber carpet need a special pad?
  • What is the most logical method of keeping healthy looking carpet?
  • Our new carpet seems to exhibit shadowed lines every 4 feet or so. What causes this, and how do we get rid of it?
Some berber carpets have a Ph factor that could experience some discoloration due to a reaction with certain padding materials. Your dealer can provide you with a non-yellowing pad. This is NOT a common problem
The "right" fiber is the one which more closely resembles your lifestyle, i.e. children, pets, office, home, etc. Your dealer is best qualified to answer this question
A general solid-duty would be a 50 to 70 ounce, trackless Saxony with well twisted yarn. Or berbers are also great carpet to keep their shape
Yes, they are valid. Your local carpet agent can handle any warranty questions or issues
Too soft a pad can sometimes require restretching of the berber. Consider a min. 7-pound pad to avoid this potential problem
In a nutshell...VACUUMING! But this must be in conjunction with a regular schedule of having a professional carpet cleaning company clean your carpet once a year...possibly more often depending upon your traffic
This condition is most likely caused from storage of the carpet in one position which tends to flatten some carpet areas. This will, in time, return to normal. Always ask your carpet dealer if you have particular concerns.

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