
Pierce Carpet Mill Outlet

800 Dewey Boulevard Billings, MT
Pierce Flooring is recognized as being one of the top 30 retailers in the United States, and all businesses have been cited for many awards and accomplishments over the years.

Our family of companies now employs over 230 people. The businesses are based on hard work, honesty, trust, and taking extreme care of our customers, suppliers, and employees, while giving back to Montana's communities.

4.80 Rating - 165 Reviews - 96% A+

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Years of Service

Looking for a store that has longevity? Pierce Carpet Mill Outlet has over 101 years of experience in Billings, Montana. To get the most from a company, they need to be around before, during, and after the sale. Approximately 50% of Yellowstone County companies fail in the first five years. While being new in the Montana market doesn't always mean a company isn't reliable, being in business for a while means Pierce Carpet Mill Outlet has earned the trust of consumers in Billings and the surrounding communities since 1924.

Friendly Experts

Whether you need a new carpeting or ceramic/porcelain or laminate flooring or lvt/lvp, our friendly experts will help you find exactly what you need to fit your lifestyle, home decor, and budget. We will consider the area to be decorated, the type of traffic (Kids? Pets?), lighting, colors, and other factors to create a stunning decor. Come and visit our Billings showroom at 800 Dewey Boulevard to see, touch and feel the latest styles!

Carpet Outlet Store

Pierce Carpet Mill Outlet's outlet store in Billings, MT is the premier stop for home owners, remodelers, and those doing DIY projects. No matter where you are, this place may be worth the drive! A huge selection of carpet brand names, outstanding customer service, and outlet prices make finding the right carpet for your lifestyle enjoyable from start to finish.

Great Selection

Pierce Carpet Mill Outlet has a wide selection of the highest quality products, including: carpeting, ceramic/porcelain, laminate flooring, lvt/lvp, vinyl/resilient, wood flooring, that can put the perfect finishing touch on any room. Conveniently located in Billings, Pierce Carpet Mill Outlet has an experienced and knowledgeable staff who will help you through every stage of selecting the right product for your home or office.

Quality Brands

Click Here to learn more about the quality brands that Pierce Carpet Mill Outlet has to offer. Some of the more popular brands we carry are: COREtec® Original, Shaw Tile Flooring, Shaw Resilient Vinyl Flooring, Shaw Laminate Flooring, Shaw Carpet, Shaw Hardwoods Flooring, among others. Regardless of the brand you choose, Pierce Carpet Mill Outlet is dedicated to getting the job done right.

Helpful Information

Visit our help center to find "how to" information, decorating tips, cleaning instructions, educational links, FAQ's and more. Some of our more popular links include: Made in South Pittsburg: Shaw Hardwood Flooring, Environmental Benefits of Wood Floors, Wood Floor Finishes, Laminate A-Z Glossary of Terms, and numerous others.

Current News

Check our news page to read current articles about carpeting, lvt, lvp, ceramic, porcelain, vinyl, resilient, laminate flooring, carpeting, wood flooring, lvt, lvp. Some of our latest news includes: Which Carpet is Best for Pets?, Shaw Floors is honored to be a national sponsor of the St. Jude Dream Home Giveaway, Breathe easier with carpet, and other timely articles about home improvement.

What's New

There is alway something new at Pierce Carpet Mill Outlet. Check out some of the new products that maybe soon coming to our showroom: COREtec Plus HD, Pet-Friendly COREtec Advanced+, COREtec Wood, COREtec Grande, COREtec Stone, Anthem celebrates the beauty of the great American hardwoods, . Pierce Carpet Mill Outlet does not carry every new style in our showroom. Check with them first about a particular product or to see if your product choice is available for special order.

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