
Mccord Contract Floors Inc

3052 East Cottonwood Road Dothan, AL

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Years of Service

Looking for a store that has longevity? Mccord Contract Floors Inc has over 47 years of experience in Dothan, Alabama. To get the most from a company, they need to be around before, during, and after the sale. Approximately 50% of Houston County companies fail in the first five years. While being new in the Alabama market doesn't always mean a company isn't reliable, being in business for a while means Mccord Contract Floors Inc has earned the trust of consumers in Dothan and the surrounding communities since 1978.

Great Selection

Mccord Contract Floors Inc can help you select the best materials for your design vision, meet your project timelines, and remain within your project budget. Located in Dothan, AL, Mccord Contract Floors Inc has an experienced and knowledgeable staff who will help you through every stage of your commercial project.

Quality Brands
Mccord Contract Floors Inc is dedicated to quality and getting the job done right. We work closely with product manufacturers in training and certification and are expert in a variety of products and services.

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Commercial Contractor

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